Whether you need full or basic grooming service for your dog or puppy in Battersea, London, your all desires can be fulfilled by visiting Diana & George. Their professional groomers can meet all needs of your pets by offering them clean, safe and friendly environment. Their expert groomers have years of experience to make sure that you and your puppy always have the best care. From basic dog grooming, hand stripping, hand scissoring to rustic coat maintenance and show grooming, they offer a variety of professional grooming services to fit their clients’ individual needs. They offer high quality doggy day care, with a cage-free environment where your dog can feel comfortable getting to know them. Get in touch with them for more information.

Website | Visit Link Here |
Phone | 020 797 86 777 |
Visit Link Here | |
Visit Link Here | |
Country | United Kingdom |
State/Province | England |
distance: | 3 Miles |
Address | 250 Battersea Park Road, SW11 3BP, London |
Category | Battersea |